Posts Tagged ‘South Carolina’

A Dubious Distinction

November 8, 2008


If South Carolina weren’t a place of such breathtaking beauty (and it is, trust me), with an amazingly temperate climate, a low cost of living, one of the most storied college football coaches ever, and fresh seafood to die for, I would have to tell it to go fuck itself for emerging from Tuesday’s election with no women in the state Senate.  None.  Zero.


I Just Want to Tell You Good Luck, We’re All Counting on You

July 25, 2008

We know that Barack Obama is a rock star.  Germany wants him to rock them, Obamadeus.  And it appears that he really, really rocked the shit out of the Berlin Wall during his recent trip.  I’m happy for him, and I’m happy for us.  Anytime an American politician can buy us a little goodwill overseas, it’s a good thing, even when the ambassador isn’t one of my faves.  Hell, I’d applaud a George Bush-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dance-off if we could arrange one.  I think Obama needs to focus, though, on what we need for him to do back home. (more…)

I Complied with the Law and the Law Won

July 23, 2008

Today’ Sun Times had a heartbreaking little blurb in the Galivants Ferry crime report:

On July 15, a Galivants Ferry woman said another woman called her and told her that if she did not give her $300, she would call the Department of Social Services on her.  The victim has a boy with Down Syndrome and two girls in her custody.  The caller said she would make up something to tell DSS if she did not get $300.”

Friends, if I had been the victim, I would’ve forked over $300 right quick.  Nothing fills me with a sense of dread quite like dealing with government workers, and my trip to the DMV today was a good reminder of why. (more…)