Posts Tagged ‘Phobias’

Meme Girls

July 8, 2008


Over at Fit for a Femme, Skinny Bone Jones is blogging about the sartorial choices of a devastatingly beautiful femme – that femme being Skinny, of course!  Put down your “Vogue” and get over there already.  You will not be disappointed.

I must warn you, though, that engaging Skinny might result in a tagging, and not the kind you were hoping for from SBJ and her Mexican tomboy.  No, Skinny is going to Meme you (and me) because she was Memed by BiscuitDoughJones over at the only wedding blog you need to be reading (TheNot).  Biscuit in turn was Memed by The Bewildered Housewife.  And so on and so forth.

WTF, young ‘uns?  Granny hasn’t played tag since grade school.  How do I play?  Where are my glasses?  Did you see that Ovaltine is on sale at Kroger this week?  Let’s see if we can figure this thing out together. (more…)