Posts Tagged ‘Traffic’

Bike Month on the Strand

July 5, 2008



I’m not from around here, and that’s okay, because no one else is, either.  We merry residents of the Grand Strand are just a ragtag band of retirees, Eastern European teenagers flown in to work in the resorts, mobile home dwellers, and regular folks who wanted to live in a beautiful coastal town but ended up in Myrtle Beach and called it a day.  The one thing that brings us together, though, is our strong opinions regarding our signature tourist event: the Biker Rally (Harleys, y’all), and its kissin’ cousin, Bikefest (crotch rockets, son), collectively known as Bike Week.  Bike Week lasts the entire month of May, and most of us just put up and shut up until June rolls around.  Then we remove our earplugs, sharpen our knives, and start the letter writing campaign.  So here I am with my $0.02 on Bike Week.  Please have a Natural Light and join me for the good, the bad, and the ugly.  (more…)